About Us​

La Alqueria Commitee

The Commitees goal is to nurture, shape and develop la Alqueria into a peaceful, luxurious destination urbanisation for home owners in the Marbella area.         

Our focus of investment, time and management will align to having an urbanisation that will be –

  1. Safe, Clean and Peaceful
  2. Community pride with Collaboration and Courtesy for others
  3. Thriving and Growing through ongoing improvements

About The Team

Important members of the La Alqueria Community with whom you should be familiar.

Andrea Root

Community President
Tel:+34 639 077 677

I live Calle El Valle with my family.
I will do my very best to represent our community in the best way that I can.

We all have a vested interest in improvements that can be achieved as residents of La Alqueria and we have the desire for any issues in the area to be managed and communicated in the best way possible for our greater good.

We need to continue to work together as a community and to also recognize our individual and collective responsibilities as owners in order to respect our neighbours and neighborhood.

Carmen Vicioso

Community Vice President
Tel:+34 630 102 982

I have lived in La Alqueria since 2009 and would like to work in a team to improve the quality of life and coexistence in this wonderful area.

I will work for all of us without any other purpose than to have a clean …safe…and happy urbanization.

Evelyn Cant

Committee Member
Tel:+34 662 002 631

We have lived in Alqueria since 2014 and we chose the area to live with our young family after seeing the scale of development in this wonderful area surrounding the Atalaya Golf valley. With my local knowledge and background in technology sales and negotiations, I hope to support the team with some of their commercial and development objectives.

Committee Responsibility

We never know when help will be needed either by an individual living here or as
A Community of international neighbours . We endeavour to develop a good community spirit through collaboration and effective communication of information, with respect for all whom reside in La Alqueria.

La Alqueria is an inclusive community meant for families to work, live and grow, enjoy holidays and retirement , and the quality of life in this beautiful natural part of Spain. Neighbourly respect , health and safety are paramount . Together with our care for the appearance of our community will lead us to be recognized as a destination place to live.


La Alqueria Watch Group

We have two WhatsApp groups that serve the community. The first is a general community group that has proven highly successful over the years. all residents can use it to make any general points or observations about the community for example any repairs that need noting, runaway pets or questions for neighbours. It’s is in effect a general notice board however please do respect etiquette with what we all write. Please message Andrea and she will add you to the group if you would like to be added to the La Alqueria watch group.

La Alqueria Emergency Group

The second is an emergency group. This should only be used to raise the alarm or call for help in an urgent emergency situation. This is the Emergency group and has the security cars phone number in the WhatsApp profile


Cofer currently covers our security in La Alqueria.

The urbanization is covered by cameras to give us all extra security and peace of mind. These cameras have been important for residents and police and have , we believe, been invaluable in the reduction of robberies in La Alqueria since their installation. 


Gardening and Maintenance

David is our gardener and regular maintenance employed by the urbanization. He works every day from 08:00-16:00 in differing parts of the urbanization. 


SPECIAL NOTICE – Calle El Valle residents.- regarding the adjacent road Felisa del Cortes- David does not work here as this road lies outside the boundary for La Alqueria HOWEVER the residents of Calle El Valle are individually responsible for the maintenance of their boundary wall which faces onto Felisa de Cortes and so must maintain any plants and trees growing out of their boundary and onto the pavement and road.

La Alqueria Administrators

The job of the nominated community administrator is to support, coordinate and manage the communities economic, legal and administrative functions, through the management of needs of the community owners.

DAE Administrators

Their contact details are:

Telephone number: 952 82 15 98

Email: secretaria@daeasesores.com

